How Our San Diego Car Accident Attorneys Can Help You
Car crashes are traumatic events that can lead to severe injuries, expensive medical bills, and ongoing pain. If you lose a loved one in a crash caused by a negligent driver, it’s even more devastating. At Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers, we know what people like you are facing in the aftermath of a car accident. It’s an overwhelming time filled with doctor’s appointments, insurance claims, and financial burdens. You should not have to suffer because of someone else’s negligent actions. We can help you seek justice and recover the compensation you need and deserve to heal your injuries.
According to data collected between January and November 2020, 38,370 people died in car accidents in the first 11 months of 2020. This was a 7% increase in fatalities compared to the same period in 2019. Unfortunately, this upward trend is mainly due to driver error. With growing populations and advancing technology, more people are behind the wheel and are tempted by various distractions. Cell phones are among the most common. It’s no surprise that vehicle accidents are occurring at alarming rates.
When someone else causes a car accident, and you sustain injuries, you deserve to hold them liable for their actions. You could pursue the maximum financial compensation available with the help of Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers. You can depend on us to fight by your side until the very end. We know that no amount of money can erase what happened to you, but we hope it can provide some financial relief as you heal your injuries. To find out more about our legal services including personal injury law, call the dedicated legal team from Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers of San Diego CA for a free consultation, or fill out our contact form.
The San Diego car accident attorneys of Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers know the importance of receiving full and fair compensation after a car crash. Another person caused your injuries and should have to suffer the consequences of their actions. When you hire us, you can depend on our legal team to seek the justice you deserve.
If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in San Diego, call Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers for your initial free consultation and case evaluation.
Let us fight by your side and help you heal from your serious injuries and be on the road to recovery. Not all law firms are the same. See how we value and treat our San Diego attorney-client relationship. Reach out today for a free case evaluation.
Download PDF- Why Hire Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers?
- Steps You Should Take After A Car Accident
- Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers Can Investigate Your Case
- San Diego's Most Dangerous Intersections
- Compensation You Can Seek In An Injury Claim
- Most Common Causes of Car Accidents
- Most Common Types of Car Accidents
- Common Injuries Associated With Car Accidents
- Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions
- Contact a San Diego Car Accident Attorney
Why Hire Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers?
The San Diego accident lawyers of Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers have been representing injured victims and their families in San Diego CA since 2007. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge of a large firm but offer the personalized one-on-one attention that only small firms can provide. When you hire us, our legal team will explore every possible option to meet your legal goals. We don’t put our needs above the needs of our clients. We will always keep your interests in mind as we’re working on your case.
Choosing Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers means choosing an award-winning San Diego car accident attorney to represent you. We’ve built an excellent reputation within our local community- and nationwide for our dedication to our clients and the positive results we’ve been able to achieve. Some of the prestigious legal organizations that have presented us with awards include The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 Lawyers, Super Lawyers, and Litigator Awards. Several of our attorneys have also been featured on CNN, San Diego Business Journal’s Best of the Bar, and TIME Magazine Leaders in Personal Injury Showcase.
Unlike other law firms that don’t have time to return your calls or emails promptly, Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers of San Diego CA make it our top priority to communicate with our clients as often as they need. We can provide regular updates on the status of your case, guidance during each step of the legal process, and support to get you through this devastating time in your life. We take each case very seriously. Our goal isn’t just to quickly resolve your case, so we can collect our legal fee and move on to the next one. We take the time to get to know you and your legal goals so we’re able to recover the maximum compensation possible. We promise that you will be a priority for our law firm from the start to the conclusion of your case.
Steps You Should Take After A Car Accident
No one ever gets behind the wheel of their vehicle thinking that they will be involved in an accident. There’s no way to prepare for such a disruptive incident. It’s something that can upend your entire life. The immediate aftermath of a crash can be incredibly confusing and disorienting. It’s not uncommon for most people to feel confused about how to handle the situation- especially with an uninsured motorist claim, or pedestrian accidents. Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers are here to get you through the days, weeks, and months following an accident to ensure your legal rights are protected.
We know the steps you need to take after a car crash, so you’re able to hold the at-fault driver accountable for their actions and seek the monetary award you deserve for the suffering you were forced to endure. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of steps you should take to ensure you make the right decisions and put yourself in the best possible position for our law firm to build a strong case for your claim.
At The Accident Scene
There are some steps you should complete while you’re still at the crash scene to set your case on solid footing from the start. It’s crucial that you call 911 and wait for law enforcement to arrive and perform an investigation. They should write an initial police report, generate a Collision Report, and then submit it to the California Highway Patrol Office. The police reports from motor vehicle collisions contain vital information associated with the accident and serve as useful evidence in a legal case.
Medical Treatment
Allow an ambulance to transport you from the scene to the hospital or drive yourself if your injury isn’t too severe. It’s crucial that you seek initial treatment immediately following a car crash. Insurance companies are in the business of saving money and likely won’t be on your side if you choose to file a claim. If they see that your first doctor’s appointment wasn’t until days or weeks after the accident, they could use that as evidence that the injury isn’t serious enough to justify an adequate settlement.
Even if you think you’re okay, the shock you’re feeling could be masking the severity of your injury, and the only way to know for sure how you’re doing is to see a doctor. If they refer you for imaging tests, physical therapy, chiropractic treatments, or another type of treatment, follow their orders. Do not make a habit of skipping appointments or allowing too much time to pass between each appointment. The insurance company could deny your car accident claim or provide a settlement offer much lower than you deserve if your treatment isn’t consistent.
Your medical providers will create a treatment plan that they believe will help you recover from your injuries, manage any ongoing pain, and alleviate your symptoms. You should continue to follow their orders until you heal or your doctor states that you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI). MMI indicates that your condition likely won’t improve with further medical care. At that time, you could move forward with your case with the support of our law firm.
Legal Representation and Why You Need an Experienced Auto Accident Attorney
Besides treating your injuries, hiring an experienced San Diego car accident lawyer is one of the most important steps you could take. You have to meet strict deadlines, gather sufficient evidence, complete extensive paperwork, and communicate with the insurance firm. This can cause a great deal of stress while you’re trying to recover. You could also encounter roadblocks along the way that you don’t know how to overcome.
Studies have shown that you’re more likely to receive higher compensation with the help of an attorney than if you choose to handle your case alone. Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers have the necessary tools to navigate the complexities of an insurance claim or lawsuit. We can take on the responsibility of your case so you can focus solely on healing your injuries and getting your life back on track. Your only job should be to seek treatment for your car accident injuries and recover. Let us, your car accident attorney, handle the rest.
Medical Records and Other Documents
Evidence is essential in any car accident case. It’s useful in proving who was at fault, the injuries you sustained, and the expenses you incurred due to the accident. Keep all of your documentation associated with your case. If you receive letters from the insurance firm, bills from your doctors, or receipts for prescriptions, give them to us. We can maintain all of the records we need to provide to various parties involved during the pursuit of your claim.
Write down the names, locations, and dates of all treatments you receive so we can request copies of your medical records. You should also keep detailed notes of any out-of-pocket expenses resulting from the crash. For example, if you were vacationing in San Diego and forced to extend your trip to see a doctor, you could potentially be compensated for your hotel stay and associated costs.
Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers Can Investigate Your Case
When you hire us to represent you, our first step will be to investigate the accident. If an officer arrived at the accident scene, they likely performed their own investigation into the cause of the crash. If you file an insurance claim, the adjuster will also investigate the accident’s details to determine if their policyholder was at fault and how much money you should receive in a settlement.
We will need to determine how the accident happened during our investigation, who caused it, and how to prove you deserve financial compensation. If you’re unfamiliar with personal injury cases, you probably don’t know how to handle the process or the evidence you need to collect. It can be a time-consuming and tedious process to gather certain documentation, especially medical records. Our San Diego lawyers can perform an investigation for you, so you don’t have to worry about it and if necessary, we’re your best choice in San Diego trial lawyers.
Depending on the circumstances of your accident, we might need to collect:
- Photos and other evidence from the accident scene
- Video surveillance footage of the crash
- Statements from witnesses
- Collision report
- Copies of your medical records and associated bills
- Repair estimates on all cars involved in the accident
- At-fault driver’s cell phone records, chemical test results, and other relevant documents
- Copies of all available car insurance policies
- Lost wage reports from your job
At Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers, we know how to maximize the value of a car accident case. Insufficient evidence could lead to a denied insurance claim or lowball settlement offer from the insurer. That’s why you must hire one of our San Diego car accident lawyers to represent you. If you attempt to handle your case on your own, there’s a high risk of missing out on the maximum settlement you’re owed from your car accident claim.
San Diego’s Most Dangerous Intersections
When you are driving down the roadways in San Diego, it is good to know if you are driving in a section of town or on a highway that is more prone to accidents. This allows you as a driver to drive more defensively and avoid accidents. Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers has compiled a list of the roadways in San Diego that have the most accidents.
Compensation You Can Seek In An Injury Claim
Many of our clients face financial hardships after a car accident. Medical bills and other expenses become a significant burden. Some people go into debt while they’re trying to treat their injuries. You shouldn’t have to suffer any further because of someone else’s negligence. The at-fault driver should be held liable, and their auto insurer should be the one to pay an adequate settlement to cover your losses.
At Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers, we know how difficult it can be to pursue legal action. It not only causes financial strain but emotional strain as well. When you’re hurt, out of work, and figuring out how you’re going to afford your bills, you might feel hopeless. You can depend on our San Diego attorneys to uncover every cost associated with your case, so there are no surprises once the case is over. When all is said and done, we want to make sure you’re not responsible for any bills that come your way.
California uses a traditional fault system when it comes to car accidents. That means whoever is at fault becomes financially responsible for the accident victim’s injuries and resulting losses. Every driver has a legal requirement to purchase auto insurance with minimum liability limits for bodily injury and property damage. Just because the other driver is liable does not mean they have to pay out of their own pocket. This is the time for formal legal advice from an experienced law firm, and your best opportunity to receive the maximum compensation you deserve.
The available losses include:
- Medical bills
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Property damage
- Emotional distress
- Lost income
- Lost earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Inconvenience
- Loss of consortium
- Wrongful death
Not all accident cases are the same. It’s important that you realize you might not receive a settlement that covers your total losses. It depends on the amount of liability listed on the at-fault driver’s policy and what they offer. If you incurred $20,000 in expenses, but the limit is only $15,000, you could only pursue a maximum of $15,000 in compensation. You would then have to look to another source to supplement your remaining losses.
If your costs exceed the available liability coverage, you might be able to file a claim with your insurance. Uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM) is optional insurance. Your insurance should have offered it to you when you purchased liability insurance. If you chose to opt out, you would have had to sign a form.
UM provides coverage to accident victims when the at-fault driver doesn’t have liability insurance or their limits aren’t high enough to cover all losses. All the losses in a liability claim aren’t available in a UM claim. You can only pursue compensation for medical costs and property damage. However, many policies will also cover lost wages and pain and suffering.
Most Common Causes of Car Accidents
Car accidents can happen anywhere. Many factors could contribute to a collision, ranging from driver error to poor road conditions.
The most common causes of car accidents include:
- Distractions – Texting while driving, eating, and changing the radio or just some examples of distractions drivers face when they’re behind the wheel. Focusing on anything other than the task of driving is dangerous and can lead to a crash.
- Speeding – A person driving at excessive speeds has less time to react to avoid an accident. If the road is wet from rain or there are potholes, that creates even more hazards.
- Driving under the influence/ DUI Accidents – Alcohol and drugs impair someone’s ability to operate their vehicle safely. A slower reaction time and other symptoms prevent the driver from recognizing dangers on the road and reacting to them appropriately.
- Tailgating – There should always be adequate space between two cars traveling one in front of the other. If one driver follows the other too closely, there’s an increased risk of a rear-end collision if the driver in front brakes suddenly.
- Reckless driving – California law says reckless driving occurs when a person drives their vehicle with disregard for someone else’s safety or property. Unsafe lane changes and running a red light are common examples.
- Failure to yield – Motorists must yield to other cars whenever necessary. Accidents can occur when someone proceeds through an intersection or merges onto a highway without looking for oncoming vehicles.
- Fatigued driving – Driving while tired is just as dangerous as driving with alcohol or drugs in your system. It causes similar symptoms and inhibits a driver’s ability to respond to an emergency, maneuver away from a hazard in the road, or obey traffic signs and signals.
- Poor road conditions – Improper maintenance and repairs can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicle when they hit a pothole or can’t read an obstructed traffic sign.
- Defective parts – If someone drives a car containing a defective part or malfunctioning system, they may be unable to maneuver through traffic safely.
If any of these or another contributing factor led to your accident, you should immediately contact one of the San Diego car accident lawyers from Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers. We have experience thoroughly investigating crashes to determine the cause and who should be held liable.
Most Common Types of Car Accidents
Various situations can arise when two or more vehicles collide. One driver can run an intersection, crashing into the side of another person’s vehicle. A violent impact between two speeding cars can lead to severe spinal injuries. Poor weather could result in a top-heavy vehicle rolling.
Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers know how to handle the complexities of a case involving any of these types of accidents. You likely suffered injuries and don’t know how to handle the next steps. We can relieve the burden you’re feeling and take on the legal responsibility while you spend your time recovering.
Common Injuries Associated With Car Accidents
Car accident victims can sustain injuries that have a lasting effect on their lives. Maybe you’re unable to work because of a physical disability or end up with massive debt trying to pay for your medical costs. Injuries typically require medical treatment to heal, creating undue stress and financial strain.
Injury victims from car accidents can suffer:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Broken bones
- Internal bleeding
- Electric Shock
- Paralysis
- Neck and head injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Concussion or whiplash
- Lacerations
- Chronic pain
- Psychological damage
- Soft tissue injuries
- Disfiguration
- Amputation
If the accident was someone else’s fault, you might be entitled to compensation, so you don’t have to pay for your medical expenses, property damage, and other costs yourself. You suffered enough and deserve the opportunity to seek legal action against the at-fault party.
# of fatalities in CA by year
% of fatal crashes by collision type in 2019
Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions
Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers know the aftermath of a car accident can cause a great deal of confusion. It’s a situation you never imagined finding yourself in, and you probably didn’t prepare for the possibility of it happening. We can guide you through the legal process, so you know what to expect.
How much does it cost to hire a car accident lawyer?
Whether your injury was minor or severe, you’ve likely incurred various costs. We take cases on a contingency fee basis, so our clients don’t feel the additional financial strain. Our No Fee Guarantee means you don’t have to pay any fees or costs unless we recover compensation for you. If we lose your case, you won’t owe us anything.
What happens if I'm partly to blame for the accident?
California follows a pure comparative negligence rule. That means the maximum amount of compensation you can pursue is reduced proportionately by the percentage of fault you share. For example, if the crash caused $25,000 in losses, but a jury determines you were 20% to blame, you would only be entitled to a maximum of $20,000.
How long will it take to resolve my case?
That depends on the circumstances of your case. Some are easy to resolve with an insurance claim. Others require filing a lawsuit and could take years to resolve. We can review the facts of the accident and determine what needs to be done. We won’t be able to provide an exact estimate of the time required to bring your case to conclusion, but we might be able to estimate how long it could take to get you the compensation you need.
I was involved in a car accident in San Diego more than 2 years ago. Can I still make a claim or file a lawsuit?
The answer is no- unless you fall under two very limited exceptions. The first exception is for active-duty military personnel who would fall under the Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act. For active-duty personnel, the statute of limitations stays for the entire time the military personnel is on active duty. The second exception is for minor children. For children, the statute of limitations does not start to run until the child turns 18 years of age. The child will then have two years, or their 20th birthday, to file a lawsuit for damages.
I was just involved in an accident and have sustained injuries as a result. I want to see a doctor, but I'm worried about medical expenses. Does the insurance company cover the bill? If they do, when does it get paid?
Ultimately, the person at fault pays for your medical costs. They are responsible, so they will pay either personally or through their insurer. The problem is that they won’t pay until the case is settled or after trial when they will pay a single lump sum to you for all of your damages.
Until then, though, how do your bills get paid? First, if you have health insurance, you should send your bills to your health insurer for payment. Another option is to submit the bills to your car insurer for payment under your medical payment benefit coverage.
If you do not have health insurance or medical payment benefits to pay for your medical care, your doctor may take a lien against the proceeds of your settlement in order to pay his bill. Under this agreement, he’ll wait to get paid until your case settles.
Because there are a variety of payment options, and each can have a consequence with respect to your accident injury case, it is important to speak to an experienced attorney for specific advice for your case. The lawyers at the Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers are available to consult with you and provide clear advice regarding your serious injury.
I was in a car accident and the person who hit me doesn't have insurance but the car was owned by her friend's mom who has insurance. Can I still pursue my claim?
The first step you need to take is to call your own insurer. Speaking with your insurance firm will be much more efficient than trying to contact the insurer of the party at fault since they will not compensate you until they have fully investigated the auto accident. If you have a rental coverage policy and the other driver was completely liable, then making a claim most likely will not affect your premium.
The next step is to file a claim against the mother’s insurance to determine if there is not only insurance coverage but there may be a liability for the mother in lending the vehicle to another driver. Under California law, the owner of a car who lends it to another driver (known as a permissive user) is responsible for up to $15,000. If there is coverage through the mother’s insurer or through the uninsured motorist coverage of your insurance policy, it is always helpful to seek guidance from a trained professional such as the San Diego car accident lawyers at the Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers. You can get more information from our website that will help you in your case.
If I am partially at fault for causing an auto accident, do I still have a chance of receiving compensation for my injuries?
If you are involved in an auto accident, you are still allowed to receive compensation for your injuries even if you are partially at fault for causing the accident. Many people think that if they are partially responsible for causing a traffic accident they cannot be compensated at all. This is not true!
Unlike other states, California is a ‘comparative negligence’ state which means that when one or more parties is determined to have caused an accident, the trier of fact (either the judge or in most cases, the jury) determines whether each of the parties is at fault and to what extent. For example, say that a jury decides that one person is 75% at fault for causing a motorcycle accident but that the motorcyclist is also 25% at fault. The jury awards its’ verdict based on a percentage of liability. If the value of the motorcyclist’s injury is $100,000, the rider will receive $75,000 after a jury finds him 25% at fault for causing his own accident ($100,000 less 25% equals $75,000).
The insurance representative has been friendly and nice so far. Can I trust the insurer to treat me fairly and consider my best interests?
Though the adjuster is being friendly now, this could just be pure business manners. Never assume that the claims agent is going to put your best interests before those of the company itself, or that the agent is going to devote all of his or her attention solely to your individual insurance claim. Your accident claim means a great deal to you, so it’s imperative that you receive the compensation you are entitled to for all your damages, including your medical costs incurred and lost earnings.
What does your individual insurance claim mean to the insurance adjustor devoted specifically to your case? Unfortunately, it may not mean as much as you think it does. Your adjuster may have dozens of open cases at any given time and certainly does not have as much of a personal stake in your case as you do. Moreover, you need to always remember that the insurance adjustor ultimately has the needs of the insurance firm prioritized before your personal interests, and never the other way around.
While the adjuster may appear to be fully on your side at the beginning of your claims process, they can easily switch to using the intimidation strategy. The job of the claims agent is to save the company as much money as possible. It is in their favor to give you the lowest payout possible and your needs are the least of their concerns. As a matter of fact, if they can get away with not having to pay you anything, they will put all their efforts into making that happen.
Once an adjuster contacts you, they may try to place responsibility for the accident on you, argue that there are medical treatments on your bill that should not be reimbursed, and basically do all that they can to get you to give up and feel at fault for filing a claim for your injuries. The best thing you can do is stand firm and hire a skilled San Diego personal injury lawyer to help guide you through the insurance claim process.
When presenting you with a settlement amount, adjusters will often offer a lower amount than you are rightfully entitled to in hopes that you will blindly accept and simply be satisfied with it. However, it’s important to realize that you have the freedom to either accept or decline any offer that is given to you. You do not need to settle for less than you deserve or lower your expectations in order to appease the company. It may not be right, but it often takes the threat of action against the insurer in the form of a lawsuit in order to be presented with a more reasonable offer. Be sure that you do not become one of the victims that fall into the insurance adjustor’s traps leaving you to settle for scraps.
The insurer wants to conduct and record an interview with me in regards to my injury case. What should I do?
It would be ideal if you could avoid making a recorded statement at all, but chances are you’ll eventually be forced to participate by either your own insurer or under the Rules of Civil Procedure. Since this is the case, it’s best to be prepared and well-informed.
During the interview, the insurance adjuster tries to extract information from the claimant that can be used to weaken his or her case. Be mindful of the questions you are asked and be especially wary of the answers you give. Remember that every single word is recorded. If pushed for details, do not give ones you may not be able to recall later. Your forgetfulness will be used to discredit you.
Additionally, make your answers as brief as possible. Do not make your answer so certain and exact unless you are a hundred percent confident in it. If there is a question you cannot answer, simply do not answer it. Avoid specificities concerning time, place, distance, speed, etc. And most importantly, talk with your San Diego injury attorney before giving a recorded statement.
What are my options for car insurance in the armed forces?
We all know how important it is for you to buy the proper insurance coverage for you and your family. Though, most people don’t know how much insurance to get or what plan is right for them until it is too late. With all of the insurance companies out there advertising that they have the lowest rates and best plans can make the decision overwhelming as well. For those of you in the military, it is especially important that you and your family are covered.
Here are 4 simple steps to choosing the right insurance provider:
- Assess your insurance needs. Determine how many vehicles will need coverage and bundle that policy with homeowner’s or renter’s insurance, if you can. It will save you money in the long run.
- Figure out how you want to interact with your insurance provider. Depending on your needs, decide if a local company, a national company with local branches, an independent insurance agent would be the best fit for you.
- Once you decide on that, compare those three competitive quotes.
- Finally, check the financial strength of carriers at reporting agencies and check the company’s license status with your state’s Department of Insurance.
United Services Automobile Association (USAA), an insurance company that used to be exclusively for military officers of the various Armed Services, is now open to applications from non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel from all of the Armed Services. You are eligible for coverage if you or your family member is military personnel.
USAA is one of the highest-ranked companies by Consumer Reports. Their rates are competitive and oftentimes the lowest available. USAA also covers home and life insurance.
If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident by someone who has a small insurance policy or no insurance at all, then you may have to cover the steep medical bills associated with your injuries. Yes, it is illegal to go without auto insurance, but a lot of people do. If they aren’t going to cover the expenses, make sure that your insurance company does.
At a minimum, we recommend that you have at least a $500,000 uninsured motorist policy (UIM). That means that if someone with a $15,000 policy hits you and you have a $500,000 policy, the State of California will give you the difference of $485,000 or even the entire amount of $515,000.
Though, insurance companies will go to extreme lengths to protect themselves from being squeezed out of money. The process to get these funds can be long and tedious, especially when you are dealing with your own injuries. The San Diego car accident attorneys at the Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers will work to get you the money you need to cover your medical costs and lost wages.
What are the worst insurance companies?
A survey by AAJ in 2009 ranked the top 10 worst car insurance companies as follows:
- Allstate
- Unum
- State Farm
- Conseco
- WellPoint
- Farmers
- UnitedHealth
- Torchmark
- Liberty Mutual
These insurance companies insure and compensate for auto accidents, slip and fall accidents, life insurance claims, and health insurance claims. Allstate was named the worst insurance company in America–again–in a dubious honor that seems to repeat each and every single year. According to the report, Allstate heads the list because of ‘a combination of lowball offers and hardball litigation.’ It is even reported that insurance adjustors are instructed by their supervisors to deceive claimants by lying.
If you are insured by one of these companies you should consider switching to a more reputable insurance carrier. If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence and find one of these companies as the insurance company for the negligent person or company, hiring a skilled attorney may be your best strategy.
What if my own insurance company won't pay for injuries?
Even though you have paid for the insurance coverage and purchased PIP benefits, your own insurance company can still deny payment of your medical bills.
This is because the insurance company hired their own doctor, known as a ‘peer review’ doctor. Their doctor reviews your medical records given by your doctor to make sure it conforms to California standards and is “reasonable and necessary.” Typically, this does not go in your favor and the insurance company may deny payment to your doctor for the treatment received.
In this case, a San Diego personal injury lawyer will sue the insurance company for violating the policy you purchased, violating the law, and showing bad faith. Unfortunately, this may be the only way to make your insurance company pay for your medical bills.
The insurance company has access to a huge amount of resources, which they use to make you settle for the least amount possible in your injury case.
If I write the insurer a letter and I am reasonable, will I get a fair settlement for my costs and injury claim?
No. The driver’s insurance company has their own self-interests, and that is to save them money against car accident cases and work to close your file as quickly as possible.
Insurance companies are very skilled at negotiating on behalf of their company. In addition, they use extreme tactics to make you settle for a lower settlement than you ask for, which typically does not cover your expenses.
A nice letter will not do anything for you. At the end of the day, insurance companies are working to protect themselves. Contact us today for a free case evaluation here in San Diego.
Contact a San Diego Car Accident Attorney
The San Diego car accident attorneys of Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers know the importance of receiving full and fair compensation after a car crash. Another person caused your injuries and should have to suffer the consequences of their actions. When you hire us, you can depend on our legal team to seek the justice you deserve.
If you or a loved one were injured in a car accident in San Diego or Mission Valley, call Jurewitz Law Group Injury & Accident Lawyers for your initial free consultation and case evaluation. Let us fight by your side and help you heal from your serious injuries and be on the road to recovery. Not all law firms are the same. See how we value and treat our San Diego attorney-client relationship. Reach out today for a free case evaluation.