Patients in the U.S. have used Elmiron to treat interstitial cystitis for decades. Recently, patients and researchers have discovered a link between Elmiron use and serious eye problems, including blindness.

Have you experienced vision issues you believe may have resulted from taking Elmiron? If you have, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills and related losses.

Speak with an experienced mass tort attorney for more information. At Jurewitz Law Group Injury and Accident Lawyers, we understand that navigating your legal options in these circumstances can be complex. Our Southern California Elmiron mass tort lawyers can assist you by explaining your options and providing the dedicated representation you need to get the money you deserve. Call us today at (855) GET-ROSS for a free consultation.

Table Of Contents

    Information About Elmiron

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of Elmiron for the treatment of interstitial cystitis in 1996. According to the Interstitial Cystitis Association (ICA), Elmiron has shown to be a potentially helpful drug in clinical trials. However, it’s not yet clear exactly how Elmiron works.

    Potential Health Complications Resulting from Elmiron Use

    Some patients taking Elmiron have developed significant vision issues like pigmentary maculopathy and blindness. Consider the following points from a paper in the Canadian Urological Association Journal:

    • In 2018, researchers first identified signs of a unique pigmentary maculopathy in patients taking Elmiron.
    • A subsequent report indicated that 35 of 404 patients taking Elmiron or exposed to its chemical compound also showed signs of this unique maculopathy.
    • Unpublished data presented at a meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmologists further indicates patients who take Elmiron may be at a high risk of developing this form of maculopathy.

    Researchers admit they’ve yet to establish a causal relationship between taking Elmiron and developing such health complications. However, they’ve begun identifying potential explanations regarding how Elmiron might cause such issues. Further research is necessary to learn more about the link between Elmiron and maculopathy.

    What Is Maculopathy?

    Maculopathy is another name for macular degeneration. Maculopathy occurs when the back of the retina, called the “macula,” breaks down. Over time, maculopathy can result in central vision loss.

    Many people develop maculopathy as they age. However, taking drugs like Elmiron may also lead to a person developing this condition.

    According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, patients who develop maculopathy resulting from Elmiron use may first notice such symptoms as:

    • Difficulty reading or blurred vision
    • Vision taking an excessively long time to adapt to the dark
    • Visual acuity loss

    See an eye doctor right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

    What Is an Elmiron Mass Tort?

    You may require medical treatment if you’ve developed maculopathy as a result of taking Elmiron. Your condition may impact your ability to work and earn an income. Adjusting to life with maculopathy could cause mental and emotional anguish as well.

    You might be entitled to receive compensation for these losses. One avenue open to you might be to participate in an Elmiron mass tort.

    A mass tort is a type of legal case in which multiple parties experiencing similar consequences from another party’s wrongdoing file claims or lawsuits against the at-fault party. It’s not uncommon for one court or judge to oversee these cases in a multi-district litigation.

    Don’t make the mistake of confusing a mass tort with a class action lawsuit. Plaintiffs in mass tort cases file their claims or lawsuits separately from one another. Thus, the settlement or award of damages they receive is theirs alone. They don’t have to share the money they receive with other plaintiffs as they would in a class action case.

    Types of Evidence in an Elmiron Lawsuit Case

    The evidence you may submit when seeking compensation for health issues resulting from Elmiron use includes:

    • Proof that the company knew that Elmiron resulted in dangerous side effects
    • Proof that the company failed to warn users of these potential effects
    • Proof that you used Elmiron
    • Testimony of medical professionals connecting your maculopathy to your use of Elmiron
    • Your medical records and bills
    • Documentation of lost wages
    • Personal testimony regarding how the health consequences of taking Elmiron have affected your life

    Why Speaking with an Elmiron Mass Tort Attorney Is Wise

    You should speak with a lawyer before taking legal action against the manufacturers of Elmiron. Reviewing your case with an attorney may be wise for the following reasons:

    • Not all individuals who took Elmiron may be entitled to compensation. There may be a requirement that you had to take Elmiron for a specified minimum length of time to have a valid case. A lawyer can review how long you took the drug to determine whether you have grounds to proceed with a claim.
    • Calculating the amount of compensation you may be entitled to is a complex process. Your attorney knows all the categories of losses for which you could claim compensation, and they know the types of evidence to gather to support the value of your claim. Although an attorney can’t promise a specific settlement amount, they can ensure you’re pursuing the full amount of compensation you may deserve.
    • A law firm handling your Elmiron case may already be representing numerous clients whose circumstances mirror yours. A lawyer with relevant experience understands how to approach an Elmiron mass tort case. Their experience can optimize your chances of success.

    Don’t wait to contact a lawyer about your legal options. Once you discover you’ve developed problems with your vision because of your Elmiron use, the statute of limitations clock starts ticking. California law allows only two years to file your claim after you discover the connection between your injury and the drug that caused it. You’ll waive your right to receive compensation if you don’t take legal action by the deadline. Avoid this by contacting an attorney immediately.

    Contact an Elmiron Mass Tort Lawyer

    You’re not the only one who has experienced vision changes or problems after taking Elmiron. Compensation may be available.

    At Jurewitz Law Group Injury and Accident Lawyers, we can help you pursue the money you need while you focus on adjusting to life with maculopathy or other complications. For more information about what our Southern California Elmiron mass tort lawyers can do for you, contact us online or call us today at (855) GET-ROSS for a free case review.

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